Hello everyone, it’s New Year’s Eve of 2022 already and it’s been a while since I last wrote in this blog. I apologize about that, it’s been a busy last few months trying to wrap up on classes as well as working, and trying to find new jobs and internships.
December and January are months that seem to bring mixed feelings to people but doesn’t get talked about enough. Winter is the season that I can say is when I feel the most depressed. Not only because it’s cold and dark outside but because it’s a lonely season for me, and most of the time it came with some heartbreak too. If you had to ask me what my New Year’s theme song was, my answer would be “God I Hope This Year is Better Than the Last” by SYML.
But let’s move on from that because this post isn’t supposed to be a complete downer.

What can I say? 2022 came with its heartbreaks. I started off the year losing a guy that I thought I might date because of complications and everything fun like that. I exited the Forensics speech team (If you don’t know what that is, it’s an extracurricular that trains people on public speaking and you get to compete) in hopes of joining a broadcast job but I never heard back from them and ended up working food service for the fall semester instead. I didn’t get to go on a summer internship like I had hoped. My great uncle passed away last month and I didn’t receive a job that I was applying for and really wanted to have.

But looking back, there were some good things that 2022 gave me. I have an awesome boyfriend who I have been dating for almost 11 months and he makes me the happiest woman in the world 🥰 I traveled to 2 new countries this year after not having traveled overseas since 2019: Northern Ireland and Sweden. I won 6th place in this year’s Forensics Nationals competition in the asynchronous category while I was traveling back to campus from Sweden. I got to have an internship this year after all during the fall semester. I changed my minor to Digital Media: Video and I never felt better about that decision. Even though I still miss Forensics sometimes, I am happy about participating in American Marketing Association instead. I finally had the time to earn money in school during the fall semester!
I don’t know about you, but I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions. People never, if hardly ever, accomplish those. I just like to look forward to what the next year has to offer and always just to try to improve on myself in life just because you should.
I wanted to close this post by saying that I feel for those who are lonely during the holidays; you’re not alone in this. I hope that everyone had some positives you can take away from 2022 and go in headstrong into 2023. See you next year!